So, I’ve decided to go back to the old Hugo theme; Hermit. Though, I know this was the original theme for this blog. I’m going back to it and I’ve decided to fork it. Original credit for the roots of the Hugo theme will always go to the original author. You may check the theme of this blog to provide more insight.

I’ll be working on updating the theme; as many others have, so I can get a feel for building and improving other peoples code. At some point, I plan on auditing the original code base for Track3/hermit. Plan on making changes that I find are improvements from the original design. These commits will be tracked to the forked github repository n3s0/hugo-hermit. This is all because the original code base hasn’t recieved much love. I don’t see much benefit to everyone else should someone else wants to use it as another project and I offer to take ownership of the repo. Track3 made an aweseome theme. He deserves the credit for it.

Some more things are to come. I’m planning on building another pages site on Github. This will be another niche site that allows me to separate my programming hat from my IT, InfoSec, or DevOps hat. This will allow me to showcase projects within a portfolio that I work on and document what I learn about developing software. An awesome Jekyll theme that I found for this is named mmistakes/minimal-mistakes. I have forked this repository also. So I can stick with one platform, I will be porting it over as a Hugo Theme. Which I will eventually release on Github. Until then, I will plug away at it and see what I can do.

It’s nice to finally write something after all this time. It’s been a while and I hope to write a lot more in the comming months. Stay tuned.