
Decided to post another fun one that I found on the Internet somewhere. I don’t remember the source. But, this has helped a lot. Some companies decide to keep users around. It’s the way it is. Managers need to see who is or was sending them email at the time they were terminated.

Another reason for this to have some piece of mind. You know that should for some reason that account gets enabled again, they wont have access to anything that you don’t designate.


Going to run through what this script does quick. It’s pretty useful when you need to do this kind of work.

  1. Assigns the username to a variable.
  2. Checks which groups the user is apart of and outputs them.
  3. Effectively iterates through each group shortly after and deletes them. With the exception of Domain Users in this case. If you would prefer to delete group memberships from something else, go ahead.
$Samaccountname = "USERNAME"
(Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $Samaccountname).Samaccountname
Get-AdPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $Samaccountname | Where-Object -Property Name -Ne -Value 'Domain Users' | Remove-AdGroupMember -Members $Samaccountname

I would recommend not doing this if unnecessary. This script will remove all group memberships from the account except for Domain Users.